Where Heaven Meets Earth

Join Pastors Dwain and Joel Wolfe, Zach Sanders and a number of dynamic, Holy Spirit-filled guests on a journey to reveal the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth! Learn how to show the love of Jesus to a hurting and broken world. Strengthen your faith. Grow closer to God. And get ready to rock your city!

Bigger Vision


How big is your dream? How extraordinary is your vision? We should set higher goals, not lower ones. God is the author of bigness, not smallness. We may not reach the highest dream, but we will go a lot farther by aiming high than aiming low. Join Dr Craig Lapenski as he brings an amazing message to encourage you to have a bigger vision.

Categories | Stand-Alone Messages


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 59.57MB - Duration: 1:05:03 m (128 kbps 48000 Hz)

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