
Get Baptized in Water Easter Sunday!

Are you ready to start a new life with Jesus? Do you want to make your commitment to Him known? Then it's time to get baptized.

Baptism, or being immersed in water, is a Christian tradition that Jesus himself took part of. It is a sign that our old lives are gone, and that we are new men and women in Christ. It shows the world that we now belong to God, and that we no longer belong to the sins and problems that clutched us before.

There's no better time to get baptized than right now. Register today, and join Jesus in His resurrection this Easter Sunday.

What's Going On


New Horizon Church
5600 Valley Ave
Fife, WA 98424
(253) 922-1502

(Learn more about getting here at Visit Us.)


Sunday March 27th @ 10am

How Do I Register?

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