Jeff and Karen Conley, Dr. Craig and Claire Lapenski. Joe and Sandy Sims, Joe and Dena Hafenrichter.
About Us
New Horizon is a church of every nation coming together to glorify God, restore people and bring heaven to earth. Our hunger for Jesus goes beyond forgiveness and eternal life, we want to see the knowledge of the glory of God cover the earth. We want to see the disciplines reconciled back to God. We want to see the spheres of culture transformed with the grace and wisdom of heaven. We believe that Jesus empowers us with the capacity for restoration, both within us and through us. You’ll experience hope, grace and refreshment of soul when you join us. Don’t wait another moment. Reach out now and join us!
We come from Graham, Des Moines, Auburn, Tacoma, Puyallup, Federal Way, Milton and Fife. We are not affiliated with a denomination, but welcome all.
We thrive on God’s presence and we love to grow through the revelation of His Word. Because of this we blend Spirit-saturated, soul-stirring worship with deep, meaningful messages that move you to the core.
We’re just one part of the greater body of Christ, but we believe we are called to change the world. We are convinced that the love of Jesus can restore even the most broken life.
Join us and join an army of restorers, those hopeful for the future of our nation and our world.
Dwain & Joel Wolfe
Pastors Dwain and Joel pioneered New Horizon in 1991. Dwain married Joel (Robertson) in July of 1986. They have 4 grown children who serve in the ministry with them in some capacity. They live local to the Seattle-Tacoma region where they enjoy the mountains and water. Read about what’s on Pastor Dwain’s mind at!
New Horizon’s Statement of Faith
How do we fit within historical mainline Christianity, and what makes us a unique part of the body of Christ? Let’s look.
New Horizon Mission
To bring glory to God and restore people.
New Horizon DNA (What determines an organism from birth and never changes.)
What is a church’s DNA? The Word of God and Jesus Himself bring definition to the DNA of a church, since He formed the church, and she is his bride and bears His image. Therefore, certain elements or attributes of the church should be the same everywhere and in every local church. These attributes are: Worship, baptism, Teaching, giving, word, outreach (missions), fellowship (small groups), prayer, teaching and preaching the Word of God and communion.
New Horizon Values
Values are the elements and attributes that follow a localized leader according to their calling, anointing, gifting, and maturity in the Lord. Values are more unique to that specific leader and therefore they create the culture in which the DNA of Jesus is fleshed out in that local church (thus like the Character traits of our particular body).
- Humility: We are blessed in the good that God has given us and take no credit for ourselves.
- Servanthood: We give generously of our time to serve the Lord in a joyful, willing way.
- Respect and honor: We value every person and ministry with honor and respect; we will not gossip or speak negatively but rather edify and build up one another.
- Abundance and generosity: We believe that God gives us abundance and favor to fulfill His call on us as a people and a Church. Out of our abundance we build and move the Kingdom forward.
- Purity: We are people of purity becoming Christlike in our speech and lifestyle.
- Peace makers: We seek to do all we can do, within our power, to be at peace with every person, by being quick to forgive, slow to offence, speaking the truth in love.
- Excellence: We reach for excellence in all we do in to further the Kingdom. Excellence doesn’t mean perfection; it means your personal best.
- Honesty: We always walk in the truth, and we do the right thing even when no one is looking.
- Committed: We follow through with our commitments with a willing heart even if at great cost. Our yes is yes, and our no is no.
- Loyalty: We are faithful to one another and our leadership from the heart and we seek to support and restore even when we see a flaw or faltering.
- Enthusiasm: We passionately celebrate God; His people and we labor with excitement. We model a culture of joy, zeal, and fervor for life.
Statement of Faith
- The Bible: The Bible is God’s gift of instruction, wisdom, salvation, and restoration to mankind. When you ask God to open the eyes of your heart you can begin to see the message of love and hope within its pages. Ephesians 1:15-22.
- The Trinity: The God of the Bible is revealed and understood as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.The Son took on flesh and blood as a man, so he could redeem us from sin and the power of Satan. The Son has restored us to Father. The Son, now victorious over sin and death, has sent the Holy Spirit to lead us in all truth. Philippians 2:5-11
- Jesus Christ: We were alienated from God through our sinful nature, but are now reconciled to God through our representative Jesus Christ.Jesus is the sin solution. He took the penalty for our sin on the cross and therefore gives us access to the Father. 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 5
- Salvation: People are born in sin and it’s our propensity to do so before salvation. To be saved is to enter a new life and become a new creation through the free gift of grace that God offers.We can’t work our way to God. We believe what Jesus has done for us and receive our new life by faith. Ephesians 2:4-8
- Baptism: We choose to put the life of sin to death and live as new people. Water baptism is a burial service. Romans 6:4-8
- Service to God: God gives every Christian special gifts for living and serving.The ministry of restoring one another is the privilege of all Christians. 1 Peter 4:10-11, Galatians 6:1
- Prayer and study: Prayer and renewing the way we think is a natural part of growing up in the new creation life.Ephesians 4:11-15, Romans 12:1-2
- Satan: Mankind has an active enemy who seeks to harm, deceive and derail us from a victorious destiny,but we are ordained to walk in victory over Satan and the curse. 1 Peter 5:8-10, James 4:7-8, Luke 10:17-20, John 10:10
- Blessings: Provision, healing,health of the body, soundness of mind and soundness of emotions are the will of God for each of His children. 3 John 2, Galatians 3:12-14, Genesis 12:1-2, Psalm 1:1-2, 1 Peter 2:24, 2 Corinthians 1:20
- Second coming: Christ is returning to the earth on the last day with all the believers who have gone on before us.We embrace Paul’s explanation of a physical second coming, wherein living believers will experience a type of “rapture” to meet Christ. However, Jesus said, to “occupy until I come.” Occupy is a military word that speaks of “occupation” as a result of “dominion.” Therefore, as we see it, an overemphasis on getting off the earth can cause a diversion from our mission to subdue the enemy and bring the Kingdom of God to the earth. Our main business is not to get out of the world, but to bring God to the world. Jesus said to pray, “Thy Kingdom come on earth.” This is our prayer as well. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, Matthew 6:9-11
- Expectation: The victory of Jesus is progressively becoming a reality as evil is rejected and resisted.This will continue in a greater way until Jesus comes back. An expression of heaven is coming on the earth. Hebrews 1:13, 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, Matthew 13:31-33, Isaiah 9:6-7, Daniel 7:13-14
- Supernatural realm: Miracles and the supernatural gifts of God’s Spirit are for us to experience today.Believers have a destiny that includes the power of God invading the present temporal realm with blessings out of heaven’s realm. 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 1 Corinthians 14:39-40, Acts 2:17-18, Luke 10:17-19
- Ekklesia: Christians are called and empowered to influence our present world; seasoning culture with the wisdom and the grace of Heaven.The cultural mountains of influence include government, religion, education, entertainment, business, media, and family. Matthew 6:9-11, Matthew 5:13-14, Isaiah 60, Isaiah 61, I Peter 2:9
- Communion: The Lord’s Supper commemorates the covenant we have with God through Jesus Christ.The cup of the vine represents the blood that Jesus shed in order to make a covenant with Father on our behalf, while the bread represents His broken body that received the penalty we deserved. Isaiah 53, 1 Corinthians 11:23-31
- Unified people: God is restoring people from every race and people group.God wants all to flourish and has made a way through Jesus. Revelation 5:9, Galatians 3:27-29
- Prophetic ministry: God often announces treasure over us, destiny and goodness through others as they see or perceive what the Holy Spirit might reveal.When we are given these prophetic insights to share, we are used of God to build up another person. 1 Corinthians 14:3, Revelation 19:10, Jeremiah 29:11
- Marriage: We believe marriage is a gift from God. The Bible identifies sin as falling short of God’s plan and missing the mark of God’s will. The Bible calls us out of all forms of immorality. Marriage is a God-ordained union of one man and one woman. Sin includes pre-marriage relations, extramarital relations, incest, pornography, pedophilia, homosexual and polygamous relationships. God can deliver us and restore us when we are ready to submit to Him. Genesis 2:15-25, Ephesians 5:25-33, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20.
- Creation of Male and Female: We recognize that God created male and female and He ordained that a portion of our fulfillment comes through those biological expressions, chosen for us, not chosen by us. We recognize people according to their biological sex. Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:21-24
Affiliations and Structure
New Horizon Church in an autonomous church, but also participates in the Revival Alliance networks of Harvest International Ministries and Bethel Church of Redding California. Harvest International Ministries was established by Dr. Che Ahn. Dr. Ahn is also the founder of HRock Church in Pasadena California and is the International Chancellor for the Wagner Leadership Institute. HIM has a membership of over 60,000 churches worldwide. Learn more about HIM at
Bethel Church of Redding California is a forerunner of revival and has been used by God to raise up a new generation of world changers. Bethel Church and the Bethel Network are led by Bill Johnson, Danny Silk, Kris Vallotton and a host of other minsters and leaders.
New Horizon Church is an Elder led church. Several couples serve on a board of Elders to provide guidance to the direction of the church in doctrine and ministry.