team nhc (Presentation (169))-4



A team is a group of people, working in unity, towards one goal. At New Horizon our team is made of people with a purpose and a vision. Serving, giving, and connecting to advance the Kingdom of God.

Undivided, we stand shoulder to shoulder, focus fixed. We share the credit in victory and the responsibility in defeat. We are convinced there are better ideas in all of us than in one of us.

We abandon smallness, fighting to live big, giving our lives for a shared vision. Generosity fuels our service. We are undeterred by offense, going to the table of truth often refusing to allow personal disagreement become team division. We move the church forward.

We are bought with blood and baptized with fire. We will stop at nothing to see our communities look like heaven. And it starts with me, I am committed to personal spiritual health for I cannot effectively lead others until I diligently myself.

I Am Team New Horizon

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