Join the men of New Horizon for regular times of growth, God, and good times.  Valor is NHC’s men’s ministry, and it is a great place to be strengthened, affirmed as a man, and hang out with some other incredible men of God!

Inspire Womens Ministry

Ladies, it’s time for a night out! Inspire is the women’s ministry of New Horizon, and you are in for a blast! Join other ladies from NHC for evenings full of fun, food, and friends. Meet some new people, give toward incredible causes, and be a part of a wonderful community! Be Inspired!

Kingdom Kids

We don’t believe in childcare at New Horizon. Sound strange? Not really. We believe in pastoring children, from birth through graduation. Because of this, we take a special responsibility over the smallest of our members. God loves the little children. And so do we!

Nitro Kids

Set your kid’s walk with God on turbo! Nitro Kids isn’t just another Sunday School class – it is a place where young men and women come to meet God and develop a caring, responsible relationship both with Him and other people. They learn respect for their parents, and how to be lights to their friends. And they do all of this while having a blast!

Tribe Youth

We are a youth group for students in 6th-12th grade that meet every Wednesday at 7PM.  Tribe is a place where you can be yourself, meet awesome people, play fun games, and encounter God alongside other youth.

Hispanic Ministry

No estamos satisfechos de ver que esta región siga siendo la misma, separada del amor de Dios. ¡A través de la oración, la adoración, el alcance, la enseñanza de poder y la unificación de las iglesias, estamos viendo el Reino de Dios extendido por todo el condado de Pierce y más allá! ¡Ven y sé parte de lo que Dios está haciendo! ¿Tiene preguntas? No dude en contactar a nuestros líderes del ministerio hispano. ¡Les encantaría saber de usted!

Restored Life University

If you feel your dreams have been shattered and you have been sabotaged Restored Life is the course for you.  Restored Life will help you heal and overcome your past.  You’ll learn how to overcome addictive patterns and live the new life you’ve dreamed of.  Let us help you get your life back.  

Doing Life Together

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New Horizon App

Download the New Horizon app. It is available in for both iPhone and Androids.


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