Judah’s Prayer House

What is Judah's Prayer House
God is calling His people into prayer, worship and sacrifice for His name and for His glory. But this is not just ordinary – individual prayer, He is calling us to come together to establish a place for His glory, an outpost, a Zion expression in the midst of our region. The PRAYER HOUSE vision is important because it is a corporate expression. Where two or three are gathered – there He comes. We recognize there is power in the corporate gathering of saints. We are lively stones called to build a habitation for His glory… glory that will shine out and reduce the enemies of God to stubble.
1 Peter 2:4-5 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. NKJV
The PRAYER HOUSE is located within New Horizon Church. Our Fellowship Hall will house our prayer room whenever it is not otherwise occupied by a ministry that must take priority. This is due to the size limitations of our current building. We have those unavailable times blocked out on the calendar. Please check the calendar for complete open hours. Daily M- F you’ll find us open with no host needed. However, our nighttime and weekend hours are based on the availability of a host. A host is given the security information to open and close the building and allow others to join.
Join our hosting staff by emailing office@newhc.org. Need a quick answer call 253-922-1502.
Open Hours
The PRAYER HOUSE will be available for open prayer Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, unless otherwise indicated on the schedule. Outside of our business hours, The Prayer House will be opened by our designated prayer hosts or staff. Anytime you see a name listed on our calendar, that is a time when a host will be present and you are welcome to use the space.
We invite you to host an hour of prayer with us. The host keeps the music, heat and lights on, watches the door, refreshes water as needed for coffee and tea. We invite you to host an hour each week. If you would like to become a prayer host, please contact office@newhc.org. Or fill out the following form.
Our Devotionals hold a special place in our daily lives, serving as a source of inspiration, and spiritual nourishment. In our devotionals, we find a refuge that reminds us of our beliefs, values, and the power of faith in our journey through life finding hope in the middle of chaos.