I Love New Horizon because...
In the short year I have been at New Horizon, I have seen countless personal breakthroughs, and an outpouring of the spirit. Finding a home that helps me steward the Holy Spirit encourages me to constantly grow in the Lord and exercise my prophetic gifting has meant more than words can express. I have found a forever home and community here; at a time, I was desperate for it. I am forever grateful for Pastors Dwain and Joel for their guidance, encouragement, and love.
– Anonymous
NHC is the I.V. that feeds my faith. Freedom, restoration, love, and passion for Christ. This church, these pastors have not and will not ever stop moving forward the Kingdom of God.
– Anonymous
New Horizon is my family. This is a place that steered me into being a good man and father. New Horizon introduced me to the real Father and Jesus has changed my life forever! Having spiritual leadership that gives us freedom to worship and learn is priceless.
– Anonymous
New Horizon means family to me. We were churchless and lonely. We didn’t have a community. The moment we entered New Horizon for the first time, we felt like we were home. Through every season, good or bad – we have been loved and carried through. Supported and prayed for. We found a family we never knew could be possible.
– Anonymous
NHC is the place where God brought us as a family to get restored and begin to live the life God would have us live as a family.
– Anonymous
At the Judah arise Conference, God used Richard Gordon and a student to help redeem an area of pain in my life. I also felt a new sense of freedom and confidence cover me.
– Brittney
Baptism Testimonies

Jonathon Stath
I want to be baptized because I've been broken and a sinner. I’ve sinned so much in my life and I'm ready to stop and finnish these things. I’m done with my old life and i;m ready to change. I believe that Yeshua (Jesus) saves and I'm ready to leap into his arms and surrender my all to him.

Patti Jeffries
Ever since Pastor Tubs came I’ve had the same Red Rocks worship song stuck in my head “whatever it looks like you will do what only you can do. I want to be where you are no matter where it takes me….I will trust in you! BRING ON THE WAVES”

Alec Carrillo
To die is to gain, my old Creation must be slain. I am a warrior for Christ, always ready to die. Out of the old into the new I am ready to WALK IN THE FULNESS OF YOU.
Kaylan Fossett-
I was baptized when I was 13, and accepted Jesus into my life. I want to be baptized again to signify my new relationship with the Holy Spirit. I am no longer defined by my past, but am a daughter of the Most High, choosing to walk with the Holy Spirit daily, and going all in.
Jeanie Manon
I have completely restored life with my wonderful mentor Angela. I have been set free.
Baptism this time is dying to bondage and rising up from deliverance to total freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17- “For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
Michael Saenger
I am laying down myself fully, not just receiving all of God, but giving all of me to Him. I am done holding into judgement, idleness and pride and I am embracing Jesus. I’m ready to die completely for my old man. I am fully His New Creation.
Idah Jeffries
I am getting baptized because I want to start a new life with God.
Michael Bean
I want everyone to know Jesus is in my heart.
Devon Borgen
The Lord has been showing me His Love and faithfulness for so long and he has been
showing me this journey as the tip of the iceberg. I want to be baptized again to renew my
covenant with the Lord and Walk with Him even closer everyday forward.
Restored Life Testimonies